sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Strawberry Roll Cake

Strawberry Roll Cake (8 serves)

A couple of weeks ago, I went with some friends to a japanese tea room to celebrate the birthday of a friend from college. It was a small yet cozy place and they served every tea you could imagine as well as lovely japanese pastries. I was lucky enough they had matcha latte and I must say it was one of the best I've ever had!, as they tend to be too sweet for me. I absolutely love japanese food, not only sushi (I must say I'm addicted to it) but  also their sweets so I had a rough time trying to decide from having a green tea mochi or chiffon roll cake, but at the end I choose the roll cake. Every piece of the cake was tender and fluffy, and the filling sooo creamy... I'm stopping now as I I'm beginning to get hungry and I've already eaten a slice of freshly baked carrot cake. So that roll cake is the reason of today's recipe, a tender and melt in your mouth cake with a soft strawberry cream cheese frosting. 


- 60g all-purpose flour
- 10g cornstarch
- 4 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 70g sugar
- 30g vegetable oil
- 30g milk
-  ¾ tsp cream of tartar (optional)

- ½ cup whipping cream
- ½ cup cream cheese
- 4 tbsp confectioner’s sugar
- 1 cup sliced strawberries


1 – Preheat the oven at 180°C
2 – In a bowl mix egg yolks, 20g sugar, milk and vegetable oil together until well combined. 
3 – Sift together flour and cornstarch, add it to the previous mixture and mix well.
4 – Using a hand mixer, whisk egg whites for 5 minutes or so and then start adding the remaining sugar (50g) until soft peaks are formed.
5 – Gently fold approximately one third of the egg white mixture into the flour mixture and then keep adding the remaining egg whites in two times.
6 – Spread batter evenly into a inch baking tray with parchment paper.
7 – Bake for about 10 – 15 minutes, until the top of the cake is golden brown.
8 – Using a knife separate the cake from the edges of the backing tray, invert it onto a kitchen towel and roll the cake in the towel. Let cool for 1 hour.
9 – Unroll the cake and spread the filling with the strawberries on top. Roll the cake again without the towel.
10 – Let it chill in the fridge 1 hour before serving.

1 – Whip cream with a hand mixer until medium peaks are formed.
2 – Add in cream cheese and sugar and mix until combined. 

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