sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Strawberry Roll Cake

Strawberry Roll Cake (8 serves)

A couple of weeks ago, I went with some friends to a japanese tea room to celebrate the birthday of a friend from college. It was a small yet cozy place and they served every tea you could imagine as well as lovely japanese pastries. I was lucky enough they had matcha latte and I must say it was one of the best I've ever had!, as they tend to be too sweet for me. I absolutely love japanese food, not only sushi (I must say I'm addicted to it) but  also their sweets so I had a rough time trying to decide from having a green tea mochi or chiffon roll cake, but at the end I choose the roll cake. Every piece of the cake was tender and fluffy, and the filling sooo creamy... I'm stopping now as I I'm beginning to get hungry and I've already eaten a slice of freshly baked carrot cake. So that roll cake is the reason of today's recipe, a tender and melt in your mouth cake with a soft strawberry cream cheese frosting. 


- 60g all-purpose flour
- 10g cornstarch
- 4 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 70g sugar
- 30g vegetable oil
- 30g milk
-  ¾ tsp cream of tartar (optional)

- ½ cup whipping cream
- ½ cup cream cheese
- 4 tbsp confectioner’s sugar
- 1 cup sliced strawberries


1 – Preheat the oven at 180°C
2 – In a bowl mix egg yolks, 20g sugar, milk and vegetable oil together until well combined. 
3 – Sift together flour and cornstarch, add it to the previous mixture and mix well.
4 – Using a hand mixer, whisk egg whites for 5 minutes or so and then start adding the remaining sugar (50g) until soft peaks are formed.
5 – Gently fold approximately one third of the egg white mixture into the flour mixture and then keep adding the remaining egg whites in two times.
6 – Spread batter evenly into a inch baking tray with parchment paper.
7 – Bake for about 10 – 15 minutes, until the top of the cake is golden brown.
8 – Using a knife separate the cake from the edges of the backing tray, invert it onto a kitchen towel and roll the cake in the towel. Let cool for 1 hour.
9 – Unroll the cake and spread the filling with the strawberries on top. Roll the cake again without the towel.
10 – Let it chill in the fridge 1 hour before serving.

1 – Whip cream with a hand mixer until medium peaks are formed.
2 – Add in cream cheese and sugar and mix until combined. 

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Cupcakes de Vainilla y Remolacha

Cupcakes de Vainilla y Remolacha (12 cupcakes)
Hola mundo!

Esto es un poco extraño porque llevo unos 19 posts y aun no me había presentado… Mi nombre es Carla y soy de un pueblo cercano a Barcelona. Me encanta cocinar, pintar, y desde hace poco me estoy aficionando a la fotografía. Me considero una persona creativa y cocinar es la mejor manera que tengo de expresarlo. Actualmente estoy estudiando biotecnología, muy relacionada con otra de mis pasiones, la biología. La razón por la que he empezado este blog es porque soy realmente desordenada, soy el tipo de persona que tiene su habitación llena de post it, y siempre que cocinaba algo nunca tenia tiempo de apuntar la receta que había usado o simplemente se me olvidaba así que me decidí a crear Ginger & Soda. Espero que os guste!

Si queréis preguntarme cualquier cosa sobre alguna de las recetas no dudéis en enviarme un mail, me encantara responder vuestras dudas.


Me encantan los red velvet cupcakes, pero no me gusta abusar de los colorantes artificiales, yo siempre trato de mantener mis recetas tan sanas y naturales como pueda. Así que me puse a buscar maneras de obtener el color rojo en los cupcakes sin utilizar colorantes y encontré la remolacha. Tiene un color fucsia antes de ser horneada y adquiere un tono mas rojizo después de haber sido horneada. Su sabor se puede distinguir aunque le da un toque delicioso junto con la vainilla.


- 200g de harina de trigo integral 
- 60g de harina de almendra 
- 125 ml de zumo de remolacha (o en puré) 
- 100 ml de leche de soja ( o normal)
- 125g de azúcar blanco
- 100ml de aceite vegetal 
- 1 huevo 
- 1 ½ cucharadita de polvo para hornear 
- ½ cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio 
- 4 cucharadas de semillas de amapola para espolvorear por encima 
- 1 vaina de vainilla 
- ¼ cucharadita de sal


1 - Precalentar el horno a 175 ° C 
2 - En un bol mezcla la harina de trigo, la harina de almendra, el bicarbonato de sodio, polvo de hornear y la sal. 
3 - Abre la vaina de vainilla por el centro con un cuchillo afilado y luego usa el cuchillo para extraer todas las semillas del interior. 
4 - En una cacerola, lleva a ebullición la leche y añade las semillas de vainilla. Deja reposar la leche durante 10 minutos más o menos. 
5 - Bate el huevo, el zumo de remolacha, el aceite vegetal y el azúcar hasta que esten bien mezclados. A continuación, añade la leche infusionada con vainilla y vuelve a mezclar. 
6 - Agrega la mezcla de harina y continua mezclando. 
7 - Vierte la mezcla en moldes para cupcake engrasados, espolvorea las semillas de amapola por encima y hornea durante 20 - 25 minutos. 

NOTAS: Se puede sustituir la harina de trigo normal.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Beetroot Vanilla Cupcakes

Beetroot Vanilla Cupcakes (12 cupcakes)

Hello world!

Ok, this is kind of weird because I have about 19 post already and I haven’t even presented myself… Well my name is Carla, I’m from a small town near Barcelona. I love to cook, paint, and recently I'm quite fond of photography. I consider myself a creative person and cooking is the best way I’ve found to express it. I am currently studying biotechnology, closely related to another of my passions, biology. The reason I started this blog is because I am quite messy, I'm the type of person who has their room full of post it, and every time I cook something I can’t remember the recipe because I never had time to write it down or simply because I forgot so that’s why I decided to create Ginger & Soda. I really hope you like it!

If you want to ask me anything about any of the recipes don’t hesitate sending me a mail, I will be happy to answer all of your questions.


I love red velvet cupcakes but I don't like to use artificial colors that much (to reach a nice red you have to  use more than 4 tablespoons), I always try to keep my recipes as healthy and natural as I can. So I looked for non artificial ways to reach red coloring and I found beetroot. It has a beautiful bright pink reddish color when uncooked and a nice red color after being baked. You can taste it on the cupcakes but it's flavor goes perfectly with vanilla and almond. 


- 1 ½ cup whole-wheat flour
- ½ cup almond meal
- ½ cup beetroot juice (or pureed)
- ½ cup milk
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- ½ vegetable oil
- 1 egg
- 1 ½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp baking soda
- ¼ cup poppy seeds to sprinkle on top
- 1 vanilla bean
- ¼ tsp salt


1 – Preheat the oven at 175°C
2 – In a bowl combine flour, almond meal, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
3 – Split a vanilla bean down the center with a sharp knife and then use the knife to scrape out all the seeds on the inside of the bean.
4 – On a pan, bring to boil milk and add the vanilla seeds. Set aside for 10 minutes or so.
5 – Beat the egg, beetroot juice, vegetable oil and sugar until combined. Then add the infused vanilla milk and mix well.
6 – Add the flour mixture and stir well.
7 – Pour the batter into greased cupcake molds, sprinkle poppy seeds on top and bake for 20 – 25 minutes.

NOTES: You can replace whole-wheat flour with all-purpose flour.